Well, mainly it takes a lot of practise! Trust me. This was my very first piece believe it or not!
Compare it to this... gosh *cringes*
As you see besides practise, I like to get inspiration from other artists which i find on good type. I love to play around mixing fonts and some other times, I like to just use one type of font for the whole piece :D
Okay so down to business, a lot of you have been asking how to determine where to add shadows! Take a look at some examples below!
Okay I've been trying to import a video forever UGHH. Here it is! (I really hope it works omg)
Okay so basically, just position your 'imaginary' light source and where ever the light falls on, draw there :D (as what I have said in the video) So i hope it helps if not ill melt into the ground :'-)
You can take this for reference!
Tralala hope this small tutorial thing helps ><" I'm still really not sure how to explain that well (forgive me) It's just very instinctive to me so I'm still working on explain stuff :D
Anyways, thanks for reading! The next post will be all about water colouring! Stay tuned~